Welcome to my website!
Hello, my name is Michael Short, Co-Founder of Michael Short LLC, and MIKE30.ORG. I am more than excited you're here to be a part of my story I will tell. Please feel free to browse around the website by clicking each tab to learn more about who I am as a person, what I am most passionate about, and how we can collaborate to help under-privileged and special needs kids live life through their dreams. It's always better together is what I believe! I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in my journey, from Coaches and players, to friends and family. I would like to specifically thank Coach Q for believing in me, and seeing in me what others didn't see. To my sister Cierra who is always there for me on so many levels, to my brother Elijah, my sister Cortisha, and to my parents, thank you! I am living proof that hard work does work! It hasn't been easy to get here, but it has been well worth it! To God be the glory for the things that he has done! Let's Go Heels!

Love. Listen. Laugh. Learn. Live.
Love who you are. Love what you do. Love those that love you back. Love those that don't know how to love.
Listen to yourself. Listen to those that will listen to you. Listen to your parents, and coaches. Listen to family & friends.
Laugh as much as possible. Laughter is medicine for the spirit and soul.
Learn as much as possible. Learn as soon as you can. Learn from people you trust. Learn from the mistakes you make.
Live like there is no tomorrow. Live through what makes you happy. Live on purpose. Live life through your dreams.

Fostering our love for all children through the game of football. Empowering self-improvement, personal growth and direction to live life through your dreams!

Come and learn more about Junior Tar Heel Inside Linebacker Michael Short and the MIKE30.ORG organization. Join the

Please come be our guest at our first annual
Details about the camps coming soon!
"Before, I didn't want to leave the house much. I didn't enjoy being around large crowds of people. I still struggle daily. However, I am happy that Mike is helping people like me. I fought for this country and often I feel forgotten. It's great to feel welcome and notice. Thank you Mike for all you do."
Johnny Mallory
"Michael has consistently demonstrated a commitment to uplifting those around him. Whether offering guidance to young players, leading by example in the weight room, or encouraging his peers through challenges, he embodies the core values of teamwork, perseverance, and character. His ability to inspire others through his actions, not just words, raises the bar for those who look up to him. I have no doubt that his impact will continue to be felt long after his playing days are over."
Coach Q
"Michael’s influence and service has left a strong foundation for our school and community. Michael’s combination of work ethic, heart, and love for others continues to have a positive effect on all those fortunate to be around him."
Coach Kennedy Tinsley
Contact us
Reach out to us for more information about upcoming camps and community initiatives.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States